The first few years of a child’s life is vital to learning important skills. Learning how to talk and walk are the basic skills that many parents focus on, but it’s also an essential time in life to learn other lifelong skills. Enrolling your children when they’re between 3-7 years of age is the best time to get them started on rhythmic gymnastics, especially with a world-class instructor. It will give them the head start and build a strong growing foundation!

If we want to get technical, we can look at the stages of development from infancy through adulthood. The intellectual development and abilities start from when they’re in the early childhood stages. Though they cannot yet grasp more complex concepts through the toddler to young childhood ages, this is where memory and intuition are developed. It creates the perfect opportunity and most optimal time to learn rhythmic gymnastics!

Build Confidence

Learning rhythmic gymnastics at an early age will help to build confidence and self-awareness. Through technique to improve core strength and posture, your children will learn how to stand up taller. They will develop the confidence to perform and excel in rhythmic gymnastics, which is transferable directly into their everyday life.  

Children Understand and Push their Abilities

Children will learn how to move and flow gracefully embrace the art. Rhythmic gymnastics is a complex sport that requires coordination between body movements and apparatus handling as an important role when learning the techniques. It ties in strength, power, flexibility, endurance, and hand-eye coordination. By enrolling your children in rhythmic gymnastics at this optimal age, they will learn how to develop and advance these motor skills sooner than later.

Rhythmic gymnastics places great emphasis on aesthetics, which means that children need to be perfectly aware of the movements they carry out. It will teach children to connect with their bodies and surrounding, allowing them to become well coordinated and mindful as they age.  

Improve Brain Efficiency 

Enrolling your children in extra academic classes isn’t the only way to learn and improve brain efficiency! In fact, rhythmic gymnastics can help build skills that can correlate directly with their studies.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a great way for children to practice concentration. The challenging nature of the activity commitment and concentration. Studies have shown that physical skills leads to mental acuity and improving brain efficiency. They found that the concentration skills developed from sports, such as rhythmic gymnastics, help to build visual and auditory senses, as well as spatial awareness to help develop math skills.  

Increase Physical Condition 

Rhythmic gymnastics can also give children a head start in life by increasing your children’s physical condition by building their strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility as they grow!

From studies done in 2013, it was shown that 42 million infants and young children were overweight or obese worldwide, and the number will go up to 70 million by 2025 if the current trends continue! This emphasizes the need to make a difference for young children and prevent them from falling within these statistics.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a fun and exciting way to get children to stay active—they won’t even see it as a workout. They will actually enjoy and appreciate the blend of physical activity and art!

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